Hard to believe I was even living here in Virginia Beach twenty years ago. Well, almost twenty. It's been 19 years and some months. But hey, who's counting right? This So Cal girl landed in good ol' VA and never left. Now back to the snow conditions. It was AWESOME! Lots of that white stuff coming down so quiet and soft. I loved it. Gave me a good reason not to go into work on a Saturday - Hooray! I took some pictures but they are not great. I think it's the camera (seriously! ha ha). These pictures were taken about noon and we got much more after this. Amazingly, Va Beach got the most snow of the 7 cities and usually that is not the case. :o)
Now for some of my moon pictures (Back Bay as usual)
How about a few more photos since I am on a roll...
Deer at Dusk - Back Bay
I can't resist - Sydd. I wish you guys could experience the amazing personality of this little guy. He is such a busy body, into everything, always smiling, happy to see people. Here he is wiped out! The really blue face photo was because I forgot to change the white balance (ugh).
And lastly... Kitty Love and Bear Love were just posted on Etsy. It's been forever since I put anything in the shop and I figured I'd better get something in there before the cobwebs set in. :o)
How's that for making up for the lack of posting over the last couple of months?